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Collection of Stories

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Friday, February 13, 2004

I got this wellness email in my Stream email today and it was about V-day and it has tips for ppl in relationships, and for singles. This was in the singles section:

4) If you spend the day alone, take care of yourself. Spend it practicing some self-love. Get a massage, prepare a special meal for yourself, see a good movie, or read a good book.
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Sunday, February 08, 2004

Anyone know where I can get ignition wires for a 92 cavalier? I checked Canadian Trash and they don't have any in stock they are custom order anyone else have any ideas?

o and don't forget to poke the penguin, i have added him to the webpage, im gonna update the layout again..... i find navagating through it to be a pain, and it will save some space.

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Creater: Joe Earhart
Email: LeeEeeMuR@msn.com


By the way get your ass to my website
