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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

oh wait my blinking link light is solid... nope now it's not... oh it's solid now... oh wait now it's not .... hold on now it's going solid.. oops it just went out... "scuse me sir but your light is blinking" no it's solid now... wait now it's not... but now it is... nope it's not... "sir yes your light is blinking" no it's become solid now... wait it's not on... "which light is that one sir" let me look at it... wait they all went out now... "did you unplug the modem?" nope wait I may have... "lets plug that back in now"... ok.... "now what's on your screen" umm it's off it's turning back on by itself now... "you must have hit something when you were down there sir" ... hhmm I guess your right .. my light is solid now though.. no it just keeps blinking on and off on and off... " (sir could yew please die now?) yes umm there's a server issue in the area call back when yew get a brain ..."umm wait can I use a dial up connection while the server is down?"... sure yes lets create a manual connection for you do you have a dial up modem? ... "I dont know ... I used to connect with dialup and I haven't changed anything so it should still work" ok lets create that and try to connect... "hhmm it's not working I got error 680.. no dial tone" ... ok are you sure you have it hooked up to your dial up modem?? "yes nothings changed it's all still the same should I unplug the filter and plug it directly?" ... yes lets try that "oh ok it's verifying information.. it's working now" .. very good thanks for calling mns get off my phone
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Creater: Joe Earhart
Email: LeeEeeMuR@msn.com


By the way get your ass to my website
