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The beginnings of my collection of stories


Thursday, August 24, 2006

I finally found the disk with some of my old writing on it... hope you like it... enjoy
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I sing to you my words
you listen to me intently
thinking to yourself
but I see it in your eyes
can't hide from each other
needing praise
but one look it's expressed
words put behind
emotion is all that is needed
your soft face
hands slide against me
slowly moving closer
engage in natural motion
all desire waiting to be pleased
never refusing the pleasure
forever gain control
not forcing it out of you
always given to me freely
not having to ask
know by a look
followed by smooth actions
countered by nothing
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I have a need of us
I know you want it too
it shows when we touch
it feels like forever
the next time I come
even when we depart
your with me always
carry you in my chest
even when I work
thoughts only of you
the time we are together
thinking of us while apart
thought of us in each other
holding forever our true love
knowing it lasts forever
but not chancing letting go
on the cold days
I wonder how you feel
pausing to match your stare
follow your gaze back
needy hunger for love
I know the real want you have
felt it when we kiss
melting into each other
following our hearts
nothing can come between us
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my existance thrives with you
continuously on my mind
listening to my dreams
coming closer to you
wondering what your doing
if your thinking of me
do you feel the same as I do
wonder about the same things as me
if our dreams are the same
continuously think of one another
filling me with wonder and light
powerful wings take me up
concentrating on amazing thoughts
searching for my dreams
looking into my mind for answers
seeing your eyes staring at me
delight fills my insides
flowing above my aura
consuming my entire existance
filling me with pleasure
I find it hard to see
pleasure overwealms me
my eyes closing
drifing me off to my dreams
consumed peacefully by my thoughts
ending my troublesome day
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for my love my darling
full of love and tasting sweet
lookig at your lovely beauty
gazing eyes and flowing hair
be with me forever holding
no wonderment knowing peace
full of thought carressing your mind
your mind feels me
your body follows
in me I will always keep
saying careful words
being greatful for your touch
the words expressed to you
can only mean one thing
and I want you to know
your with me always
in heart mind and soul
when we come together
fireflies will shine
diamonds mean nothing
love more precious than gold
everything in common
words thoughts actions
share all our delights
know each others fear
together forget them all
being each others strength
nothing else matters
and everyone will know
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does it ever suprise you when you come home
to find your girl talking on the phone
you don't know who she is taking to
such a shame cause if you only knew
you shouldn't be very upset
because I will make her happy I bet
please her in every way possible
and not holding you responsible

you shouldn't keep working so late
you must have to much on you plate
she must have seen your secretary
or she wouldn't want to be with me
always using some lame excuse
but never choosing a good one to use
"the boss is going to timbuctoo"
or "I'm the only one he'll talk to"

instead of telling you she's leaving
she calls me for some afternoon pleasing
milks you for the money and things
and calls me fore the sex I brings
for now all she has is suspicion
when she catches you she'll put you in submission
if you decide to change your ways
you might get back some of her praise

but it is probably to late
for I have her eating off my plate
and now you'll never get her back
because she likes my afternoon snack
when will you ever learn
to her your only money to burn
soon it will be time to leave her
you good for nothing cheater
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reaching over I gently touch
anticipating love and such
wanting to make my move
though not sure if you approve
thinking of what I will do
knowing all I want is you
leaning closer I see that smile
finding you want it all this while
I touch your amr and simply say
something nice to have my way
I lick my lips and touch them to yours
showing you how my love pours
feel you tenderly kiss me back
and reach around to hold me back
kissing harder wanting to please
hoping and thinking not to tease
but thinking that could be fun
but don't cause you may be the one
pick you up and turn around
feel you reach and touch my mound
I know it's time to lay you down
I slowly slip off your gown
you get back and take off my belt
longing just to make you melt
waiting slowly as my pants fall
pushing you gently against the wall
kissing your neck I hear you moan
whispering what you like to be shown
moving down accross your breast
soon I'll get to the rest
I pause a moment and see you frown
I quickly continue going down
slip your panties to the floor
you shiver as you wait for more
put my tongue along your fold
sharing with you our perfect mold
you reach down and touch my head
I pick you up, lay you on the bed
continue on where I left before
hear you say that you want more
further on with gentle licking
liquid pours and sweat is mixing
wonderful sounds I begin to hear
take me take me take me dear
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I feel alone when your not here
but not afraid cause you are near
a perfect love for me to hold
the greatest story I should have told
my love for you I do confess
so strong for you I am a mess
I want you more with every touch
make you moan scream pant and such
I pass to you my warm embrace
longing for you face to face
responding to your waiting hold
getting closer till I unload
a most wonderful feeling of loving passion
above below in any fashion
grabbing you close to me
faster and faster so you can see
I put my hands a little lower
creeping along you so much slower
picking you up off your feet
putting you down upon your seat
getting down by your side
now I know just where to hide
A love from you I simply need
knowing that it is guaranteed
locking lips just to sample
shocking taste but not to ample
making more noise for your glee
exotic tales people wish to see
the more I get from your desire
feel like walking on high wire
in my heart forever will be
keeping a place for you inside me
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watching your every move
calm and peacefully
breath by breath
in and out slowly
silently see you quiver
as I touch your hair
run my hand down our spine
calmly teasing your quiet body
pleasing your twitching smile
exausted from great pleasure
holding close for the night
as though our minds are connected
you open your mind to me
I see our passion again
wanting to show you more
but tired and unsure
wanting to wake you
but not wanting to disturb
enjoying your tranquilness
remembering hours before
I close my eyes to see again
our love enfolding us
then I feel you turn
kiss you gently on your face
held tighter by your dream
never wanting it to end
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my love for you eternal
though I don't know who you are
searching for you everyday
with each passing hour
wondering where to find you
hoping you are near
I wake each day dreaming
and longing to hold you close
for all I am not lonely
but craving companionship
a love for all to see
cause I'm the type to show
compliment you and hold you tight
full of wonder and tenderness
as though you are a dream
love in a way never possible
but only considering your needs
endless days and nights
passion forever keep
knowing love be returned
for nothing comes between you and me
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so we walk together
follow our hearts and dreams
holding hands and keeping stride
going every where but in no direction
not seeing anyone else
hearing only each other
talking about our hopes and dreams
sharing them all together
our hearts taking us places
for we can find ourselves
together always and forever
and never be alone again
waiting for our chance to be
in a special type of spot
when we sit together in that place
we know it is forever
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following your every wish
sending opinions back to you
getting hotter by the minute
setting our souls on fire
radiant heat pushing us further
knowing how far we can go
this time is different
not going to stop
wanting it all this time
pushing our limits
make it last longer
make it hurt a little more
painfull bliss
shadow of things to come
making dreams come true
exotic passion
impossile to set free
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my mind for you
straining to listen
thinking impure thoughts
change them into possitive
letting you know them
know you can't resist
begin to show actions aloud
hear you squeal your delight
share our thoughts more
I can't think strait
you consume me
nothing matters but you
I feel you within
know you do also
gaining access to your body
entering just to tease
your smile pleasing
show it to me always
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wanting love but needing none
feel special when your around
thinking but knowing nothing
wandering aimlessly into a void
following only dreams and memories
wondering what to do next
not wanting to fall into a trap
seeing only your flowing hair
your smile keeps me sane
keeping my dreams with me always
but clinging to reality
facing the changes that must come
hoping they include you
seeing you in my mind again
never letting it go
forever hold you within me
embraced forever back
swallowing my pride and going forth
not looking back for my mistakes
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I walk down to the seashore
pondering thoughts as I walk
finding within me
my dreams and fantasies
seeing them enfold possibilities
wandering in a path towards destiny
thinking of my goals to achieve
find out that they can be reached
through hard work and determination
restricted by only a weak mind
foolish thoughts never taken
listen only to my instinct
as the waves begin to engulf my feet
I come back to reality
knowing what must come next
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when I look in your eyes
I see wonderful images
fragments of our love
I fall deeply into thought
fexated on your stroking touch
sounds filter in my mind
our passion so deep
a need for your body
falling through clouds
down towards you
seeing you again
gazing back at me
hear you say my name
feel you touch my face
needing you now
getting closer to you
nothing between us
carress you mind
fondle your body
kiss your lips
smell your fragrance
mind let go
share each other
find our way together
intertwine as one
bonded forever
taking us beyond measure
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wondering where you are
feeling for you again
need to know the truth
wait for wonders to come
grow to know myself
say all my thoughts out loud
not knowing what they mean
try to decypher my feelings
saving myself for the one
one day I shall have you
until that day I dream
wonderful thoughts kick in
tell me what I need to know
selling me on ideas
always keeping my goal
again I follow my heart
saying what's on my mind
showing the true side
I need for you to see
this is where we belong
growing true together
bond forever as we should
know each other intimately
acting on our instincts
show how much we care
please each other more
together till the end
an end that will never come
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wonderful feelings of you and me
greatful for the time we spend
share all out thoughts and wants
know where we stand in life
find what we need to know
show each other these things
follow what we know is true
hoping not to go to fast
slow is the only way to go
explore all things that follow
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I am no longer wanting you
come to find we are through
we have had our times
just like grandfather clock chimes
I whis I coul have something to say
but feel absolutely no reason to stay
I have come to hate the way I feel
and hope over time my heart will heal
there was a time you were for me
you have opened my eyes wide to see
I want to move on and grow
hoping in time my love can show
for someone a lot better than you
make me feel one instead of two
one that I feel like floating above
one I won't mind giving love
the greatest love that I can give
that makes me embrace and live
to love, charish and hold forever
lovingly kiss and make love whenever
say I love you and be with me
and have lover returned for eternity
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Friday, August 04, 2006

when does one stop to think
breaking into the mind
open the veins let the thoughts flow
reality is a myth
open the gates let the mind be free
wander in my aura my head expands
fill me with your mutual feelings
let us grow together become united
building energy till we explode
escaping so called reality
horizons becoming limitless
new visions seeking footholds
clamp them and soar through the sky
the world becomes small
lifting into what is ones reality
sadness left behind
new beginnings are unfolding
comfort sets in and life is good
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Creater: Joe Earhart
Email: LeeEeeMuR@msn.com


By the way get your ass to my website
